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Available work packages

This section shows you all the available work packages either you met or not the skill and experience level. You must read properly the ‘Work package description’ before engaging in the bidding process. The key components of this section are as follows.This bidding section shows you all the available work packages where you might meet the skill and experience level.    


Our way of working is to define Work Packages which set out what the case work will include, completion criteria, skills and knowledge needed to do that work, training time, core hours, and other relevant details. These Partner specific requirements will be set out in the Work Package Description which is fixed and non-negotiable.  It is mandatory that you accept the terms of the the ‘Work Package Description’ which will be provided to you in the Nexus AML Application before you bid for work. Each Work Package Description will be different as it is specific to the work package and the client requirements.  


The key components of this section are as follows.

Available Work Packages 

  • Paid For 

    • It specifies the type of work for which you will be compensated. In this case, your compensation is based on ‘case completions’. 

  • Date 

    • It outlines the duration of the Work Packages must be completed (e.g., from 31/12/2023 to 29/02/2024) 

  • Available Cases 

    • This shows the total number of cases available for completion within the specified duration (e.g., 1000 cases ready for processing) 


Work Package Description 

  • Cases 

    • It specifies the number of individual cases included in the package. (e.g., 1000) 

  • Date 

    • It outlines the timeframe within which the Work Package must be completed (e.g., from 04/12/2023 to 29/11/2024) 

  • Payment cycle 

    • It specifies how often you will receive compensation for your work. (e.g., Weekly or Monthly) 

  • Location requirement 

    • It means that you must be in specific place to work on a work package. 

    • This requirement is made clear for each work package.  

    • If there is a location requirement and you are in a different place, the website automatic system will not allow you to bid on specific work package. 

  • Estimated case time (hours)  

    • This provides an estimate of the time required to complete each individual case within the package. (e.g., 4 hours) 

  • Estimated set-up time (hours) 

    • Specifies the time needed for initial set-up, preparation, or training before you can start working on the cases. (e.g., 20 hours) 

  • Payment Unit:  

    • It specifies the unit of measurement for your compensation which will be in all cases base on ‘Case Completions’. 

  • Available units 

    • It shows the total number of units available within the work package. (e.g., 1000) 

  • Cost per unit range (£) 

    • It specifies the range of cost per unit for the work package.  

    • The range guides you in setting your bid price. 

  • Minimum number of units per bid 

    • This section indicates the minimum number of units you must commit to when submitting your bid for the package. (e.g., minimum of 15) 


Skill Requirement 

This section describes the specific skills and experience required for each Work Package. The platform is responsible for evaluating whether your skills and experience align with the requirements of the work package for allow you to make a bid. 

  • Skill level met: This field indicates whether you meet the required skill level for the Work Package. 

  • Yes: If you meet the specified skill level, you will see ‘Yes’. 

  • No: If your skills do not meet the required level, it will be marked as ‘No’. 

  • Untested: This status is used when the analyst has not taken the corresponding skill tests, so it has not yet been possible to determine whether or not he passed or fail the skill tests. 

  • Experience level met: This field indicates whether you meet the required experience level for the Work Package. 

  • Yes: If your experience level aligns with the requirements, it will be marked as ‘Yes’. 

  • No: If your experience does not meet the required level, it will be indicated as ‘No’. 


Bidding (Current bid and Previous bid): 

  • Cost per case (£) 

    • You would specify the price per case (£) that you are willing to accept for your work within the package. 

    • Your bid should fall within the price range specified in the work package description. (e.g., 150-500) 

    • The decision of the proposed bid will be taken by EFI: 

  • Accepted Bid: If your bid is accepted, you will get notified by EFI that the bid has been accepted and that there are some tests that you need to pass in order to continue with the process) 

  • Deny Bid: If the Bid is denied for the price per case that you proposed, you will get notifies that the offer has not been accepted and the reasons. If the reason is for a high price, then you will have the option to enter a new price and make a propose a new bid. 

  • Counteroffer: In case EFI make a counteroffer, you will get notified by EFI about a counteroffer. If you decide to accept it, the platform will show your previous and current bid price per case. 

  • Number of cases I will complete 

    • You should indicate the number of cases you are willing to commit on the work package. 

    • The number of cases that you are willing to complete should coincide at least with the minimum number of units per bid that the work package required. 

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Efficient Frontiers International Limited is a company registered in England and Wales with company number 07022588. Company VAT number: 989 8259 28. Registered office address: Royal Exchange, No. 1 Royal Exchange, London, England, EC3V 3DG.

© Nexus AML 2024

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